About JCLC
What is JCLC?
The Jefferson County League of Cities (JCLC) is a 501(c)4 not-for-profit organization established to serve the goals and interests of incorporated Home Rule Cities in Jefferson County, Kentucky.
The purpose of JCLC is to promote effective representative government services through training, education, information and the exchange of ideas. Member cities are United in Purpose as they join forces on state and local issues they have in common to protect and preserve their communities. Since 1955, the Jefferson County League of Cities, a membership-based organization, has worked diligently to protect the autonomy and authority of the Home Rule Cities in Jefferson County, Ky. at the Metro, State and Federal levels. The JCLC Board works diligently to provide representation and assistance for Home Rule Cities to better local government.
There are 80 active Home Rule Cities within Jefferson County. The leadership of these cities, either Mayor/Council or Mayor/Commission, governs the Home Rule Cities. The Home Rule Cities, formerly referred to as Suburban Cities, retained their autonomy and authority following the 2003 merger of the former City of Louisville and Jefferson County governments that created Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government.
JCLC partners with the Kentucky League of Cities on various fronts, including legal issues and state legislation of mutual interest. KLC provides training and services that are beneficial to JCLC member cities that choose to participate. Learn more about KLC and the resources it provides to member cities at https://www.klc.org.